Are you emotionally feeling safe?
Do you clench? Do you swallow your words? Can you feel it in your body? Do you know how you feel?
We need to feel some level of predictability and consistency in our daily lives to allow our nervous systems to relax. Think about the beach vacation and how at the end you may feel ready to come home and get back to a routine. Being hyper vigilant causes a level of arousal that communicates that we are not emotionally safe.
When we feel on guard with our actions, words, or emotions our needs go into the shadows. We can become strangers to ourselves. When one person feels overly responsible it can lead to codependency. Another persons temper, emotional outbursts, and a lack of reciprocity are all detrimental to our own self worth and self care. If we cannot set safe boundaries we will feel constricted, tense, and tight.
Healthy relationships are a comforting place to rest and reset. Sharing emotions is safe. There is reciprocity form one person to another. Nobody needs to over preform to ensure healthy connection. This is not to say that there are not imbalances as we navigate our lives. Hopefully, there is appreciation for the support and the scales can tip back and forth.
If we are clenching, and in a place of scarcity there is not emotional space to explore the other two legs of the stool, belonging and being known. Our lives can start to feel smaller and restrictive. Do you feel you are living your biggest fullest life?
We start creating safety within ourselves. Can you say no? Can you say I am not sure, let me get back to you? Can you say yes to the opportunities that expand life? Do you know how to talk your body down when you are feeling revved up? Is there a place in your home or area you can go when you need to relax or feel soothed? Are there people you can talk to and feel relaxed around? Make a list of both and schedule times to visit.
Creating your safe places is a start. Creating boundaries and places where your feelings will be excepted is necessary Journaling and free writing both allow for expression of self. Finding someone in your life that can listen without an agenda and or judgement. You can find your first safe place with yourself and build from there.
Continue to read in two weeks as we explore how being known strengthens your sense of safety and the love in your life.